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And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Shows in 2024







Raus mit der Sprache - Poetry Slam · Wehwalt Koslovsky · Käte Willems · Miko Berry · Kim Catrin · Bernard Hoffmeister · One Take Toni (Feat. Artist) · Simon Slomma (Moderation) - PoetrySlam


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EUR 15.00 / 10.00 (ERM)

zzgl. etwaiger Vorverkaufsgebühren



Beim RAUS MIT DER SPRACHE-PoetrySlam kommt das Beste, was die deutschsprachige Slam-Szene zu bieten hat (und zu bieten haben wird), zum lyrischen Kräftemessen zusammen. Dabei sind, um das Publikum zu begeistern, nur selbstverfasste Texte erlaubt. Wer die Bühne als Siegerin oder Sieger verlässt, entscheiden Sie: Die Zuschauer!
Begleitet von Live-Musik führt Simon Slomma als Moderator durch den Abend.

Wir freuen uns auf sechs hochkarätige Poet:innen und einen fulminanten musikalischen Gast!

Dabei sind:
Wehlaut Koslovsky (Hamburg/Berlin),
Käte Willems (Köln),
Jan Schmidt (Bochum),
MiKo Berry (Schottland),
Kim Catrin (Essen)
und Bernard Hoffmeister (Düsseldorf).

Featured artist: One Take Toni aus Köln, der sich spätestens mit Bumchakka in die Herzen der Stadt gespielt hat. Er ist Weltenbummler, bunter Hund, Tausendsassa. One Take Toni ist ein Edelgaukler mit ganz viel Gespür für den Moment und die großen Melodien.

Simon Slomma moderiert.


The BIG BAND FESTIVAL BONN is the ultimate destination for jazz enthusiasts. Witness six German big bands battle it out in a 3-day big band battle and join workshops with Jazz Legends to improve your skills. As a former member of the Uni Bigband Bonn, I know from experience that this is an incredible opportunity. All events take place at the Aula of the Uni Bonn and are completely free of charge. Come jam with us and experience the magic of jazz!

Shows in 2023

These are events and concerts I am involved in this year.
I would be very happy to see you there!


Private Concert in Mainz with Jazz Duo Mach2

The Mach2 Jazz Duo is proud to announce their upcoming projects, including a private concert in Mainz with guitar and double bass playing some of their favorite jazz tunes as a well-rehearsed team . Learn more about their upcoming projects and stay up to date with Mach2.


Male choir Weiler
and band

Rhein-Nahe-Halle Weiler near Bingen, 7 pm

The Männerchor Weiler has an impressive concert tradition, having sung in a wide variety of genres, with bands but also with renowned orchestras, and has taken on great challenges. After the pandemic times, the choir boldly takes up contemporary works with new enthusiasm and in a rejuvenated line-up with its agile choirmaster Andreas Arneke. This time under the title "Highlights of Broadway"'. In doing so, they were happy to draw on one of the best-known musicals, "West Side-Story," which had its German premiere exactly 55 years ago. The abundance of well-known melodies from the pen of Leonhard Bernstein have become unforgettable evergreens. And for this the singers rehearsed motivated English original versions, conductor Andreas Arneke arranged works for choir instrumentation around a broad offer from this musical love story, which goes back to Romeo and Juliet. Selected delicacies from New York, the location of the musical plot, round off the concert program in a sophisticated way. Soloists from the German musical scene, an accomplished band and the men's choir will perform the demanding program. The highlights of Broadway will go on Saturday, September 16, 2023 at 19.30 over the stage of the Rhine-Nahe-Hall, which shows itself for this in the suitable ambience.
More information at www.



Gesangsverein "Liederkranz" und Band

Neubornhalle in Wörrstadt 7 pm


The Gesangverein Liederkranz presents: "Welcome - Bienvenue - Welcome Broadway-Melodies in Wörrstadt". Under this motto, the two choirs of the Gesangverein Liederkranz 1845 e.V. Wörrstadt, the modern choir "OverCross" and the traditional choir, under the direction of Andreas Arneke, invite you to a very special evening on Saturday, 30.09.2023 at 7 pm in the Neubornhalle. They will take the audience to Broadway and present songs from well-known musicals, such as "West Side Story", "The Phantom of the Opera" and "Cats". The choirs will be accompanied by a band ensemble from the Mainz area. The evening will be led by vocal coach Barbara Arneke from Mainz, who has choreographed some of the songs with the choirs in advance. So you can be curious! Further participants are the musical artists Janina Steinbach and Tobias Gerisch, who will perform on this evening both as soloists and together with the choirs. Look forward to a fantastic, musical evening.

You can reserve the tickets for 18 € at Beate Petry: 06732-3076, Julia Kargert: 06732-937314 or by email at You can also purchase tickets in Wörrstadt at the "Bücher-Oase" (Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 68) and at the "Modetreff Jung" (Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 13).


@ 2025 by Björn Klaus.

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